



A non-update update.

certain links have been obscured but you don't have to be a mega znart cookie to figure them out



A rather belated update.

An entire new section has been since added to the site, replacing the 冗長化/backup link in the persistent nav bar with a 補論/misc. section.

This new section is focused more on intermediate and specialised resources. Essentially something for more advanced learners or learners looking to perhaps branch out/reference something created by and for natives.

Being of this nature, thus far everything added to this section is entirely in Japanese, which isn't friendly to newer learners. There are however an excent and wide range of newer learner friendly resources on the site.

Below listed are the current subsections.

As a personal aside, I'm rather disappointed that the general threads this website are either dead or have largely turned into a mess. One of them I'm thinking of removing from the Threads page, but that is probably a little short sighted.

Why is it so hard to find an online community that has the slightest hint of community? I swear, it used to be different; there were more than just manchildren, sociopaths and narcissists. It's like people are too afraid of showing any vulnerability these days. This isn't IRL, why do people behave as though it is?

bit of a rant, but yeah

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Added an online reference of どんなときどう使う 日本語表現文型辞典 to the site.

Added a main page for the Handbook of Japanese Grammar external site, with a reference table as an option to use that for loading individual selected concepts.

Added a bit of a master reference page for all of the grammar concepts from the A Dictionary of Japanese Grammar series, Handbook of Japanese Grammar and どんなときどう使う 日本語表現文型辞典, with an option to sort by alphabetical order. The idea is to have a single page to look up a concept from several different reliable references at once instead of having to go open up and check several pages. More practical, right?

Finally updated the Sakubi grammar page, using comments from anons regarding feedback posted a little while ago.

Oh, almost forgot. An anon started up a monthly book club. Cool idea, I reckon. To give it the increased attention it deserves, a page about it was added to the site main library page. I've noticed a fair amount of banal arguments regarding learning methods on one of the threads but hopefully this reading group idea will inspire more people to read more and waste less time with pointless dickwaving.

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A non-update update.

It has been brought to my attention that apparently the site is being, um, advertised on certain highly trafficked mainstream sites. Such recognition may be cool for most websites but not exactly desirable for this site. In response I've decided to delete the older, responded to posts on the feedback guestbook as a way of removing stray links which may be able to be traced back to the site with Google, etc. Also removed the "back to website" link on that feedback guestbook. There really isn't much I can do with a free neocities site due to lack of server side scripting.

i'll also start up another complete site mirror and depending on how large the novel library site is, make a mega backup of that. It would be ideal if the maintainer of that site had used mega instead of google for backup but that is not the case so I can't simply directly import the contents into a free mega account. My bandwidth is extremely limited so it may take a while to backup that content.

There are a few other updates but I'll make a record of those with the next, proper update.



A couple of additions:

That's kind of it, I guess.

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Another Anki deck has been added to the site treasure box/コルヌコピア, this time a 1250 word vocab deck based on a frequency list generated from visual novel scripts (or so I've found searching through the archives).

Speaking of trawling through the archives, I came across a mega link leading to a small treasure trove of Japanese audiobooks, some 32GB and 400 odd series. It was imported to a new mega account because I don't trust the reliablity of some random link posted in a thread on 4chan. Pretty cool, though, right? A new tab was added to the コルヌコピア for these audiobooks.

A couple of typos were pointing out pertaining to the DoJG pages and fixed thusly. It would be great if more of these DoJG typos and stuff were posted, unless there aren't any other mistakes. Somehow doubt that but I'm not really in the mood to proof read through 600 odd entries alongside the original .pdfs. Maybe at some point down the road, maybe not.

Some feedback regarding one of the anon made guides was posted and reposting it to a thread on /int/ provided a fair amount of response to this. Will have to remind myself to follow it up.

There are two other minor additions to the site I'm sort of working on, though one of them is kind of a bit chunk but it is one of those resources which 99/100 people will likely never come across or be aware of.

Found some potentially useful stuff for the 方言 page I wanted to add to the site at some point.

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There have been some new items of feedback and updates to the site, mainly navigation and readability.

An anon also created and shared a supplemental kanji focused vocabulary deck, with sentences and audio. I don't know how much usage it will see from others but it is a quality deck and appreciate effort regardless.

The individual DoJG pages have been completed, hopefully that effort will serve some use.

The anon made grammar guide Sakubi, was added.

The mega account has been backed up and up to date.


Well, that's it for now. The site itself kind of feels as though it as reached a 1.0 stage as an actual website and not just some scrappy weekend project, though amateur and limited it is for a static freely hosted thing. It would be nice if there was more community interaction but maybe my involvement has made me a little oblivious to how irrelevant it really is. I don't know, hopefully it is helpful for learners.

The community originally provided me with the leg up and insight to break into native media so I guess this is my little way of giving back, even if it's more symbolic than anything else.


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The site has been restructured and everything is now it its own pigeonhole. On the outside as a reflection of the file hierarchy being sorted out, the site design and styling was tweaked to make navigation easier and more organised. The different pages have a quick progression back to the root which can be used to go back and forth between subsections not directly linked to with with the monolithic links in the site header. It was initially added for my own sake while adjusting the pages to provide a quick map of where the page was supposed to be so I decided to add it as a general page feature.

At the moment the individual Dictionary of Japanese Grammar pages are being put together. Well, they have been put together but need to be split up. While the site was being restructured a file limit was met and I'm not entirely sure if all of the DoJG pages will be permitted to be uploaded. If not, one of the optional fonts may have to be removed from the kana trainer page. If that had to happen to free up space, that 草仮名 looking font will likely be temporarily removed till I can find a different solution.

Can't even remember if there have been any changes or fixes as a response to feedback, too tired to think straight. One bit of feedback that I do recall was an issue related to the site with iPhones. Looking into it as an attempt to pin down the problem from a vague snippet of information, I found out that apparently the Safari browser on Apple's mobile devices don't like drop-down menus. Rather, they don't like handling a cursor hover, which these menus rely on to reveal content. Android has no issues as you can click on the menu and it behaves similar to a cursor hover. After christ knows how many hours, I couldn't find much in the way of a fix. I did find some information which stated this is no longer an issue on new iPhones or iPads but then again, other people were still running into this issue. I don't know, hey. A large part of the site redesign approach was to remove dropdown menus from the main navigation aspect but I wasn't really able to remove them from the main three manga pages or the learn kana page. Fuck everything, I guess. Maybe I'll come back to it after the rest of the too do list and see if there is an alternative for the current four instances of a dropdown menu.

Oh, there was another request for the site: a tabular reference for the 小説 site. Pretty straight forward I guess. No doubt it will end up taking far, far longer than anticipated.

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A central page for anon made guides has been added to the site in place of the menu link for the /jp/ anon guide. There are currently three different guides listed on the page, two of which have been added to the site.

A few minor things changed and broken links corrected thanks to feedback. An issue or two some anons were having but in light of lack of further feedback on the subject I can't really do anything so maybe whatever those issues were are no longer issues. If the world is full of clairvoyants, the ability to read minds unfortunately wasn't passed on to me.

Over the past week or so I tried out a handful of different font stacks and to see how they felt. The original was hurting my eyes to read but the current setup is easy on my eyes on desktop, tablet and mobile. I came across it after different references kept leading to an article by a Japanese translator and typography guru. According to his experience, the current setup I am using is "web safe" across all devices and platforms. All I know is that my eyes have finally stopped bleeding after scanning pages to see how changes appear bed in the dark flicking about a tablet screen. If it feels fine under those conditions then I'm pretty content to keep it as it is.

There was a little bit of back and forth chatter in the feedback about colours and design and fonts and languages and back ends and reddit and stuff. I'm pretty sure the person asking about reddit was taking the piss as I'm incredulous of the idea that some random people on some big language learning board gives two shits about anything related to 4chan. As for the other stuff, I feel guilty whenever I don't respond to feedback but sometimes all an opinion needs is space to exist and be observed.

As a late response to the anon who asked about having a less memory intense version of the Dictionary of Japanese Grammar reference page, I'm changing the menu link with a page similar to the anon guide menu. Nothing is online yet but it has a link to the full reference, a link to the DoJG anki deck page, three new pages each representing a smaller single volume entry page, as well as a table of contents like the full grammar reference page has but these will open up a singular dedicated page for the given entry. Similar to the individual pages for each Visualizing Japanese Grammar unit video. I've already done the three individual volume pages and will chop up a copy of the full reference for the remaining smaller single entries. I suppose it would be a lot more practical to browse a single entry you are looking for and load that ~10-20kb or so page over the 3mb full page or 1mb individual volume pages. Different practical options for different purposes may be time consuming to create but in the long run it will probably seem like a no brainer.

going forward

At the moment the site file hierarchy is being updated to parallel the user end navigation. It's a little involved but as more pages are being added to the site, it really needs some sort of sensible semantic system to replace what is currently more or a partially filed yakuza family office tax return.

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Large update.

The entire website has been overhauled as an extension of the earlier changes to the manga section of the site. It was really involved and far more than I expected, but now it's done: the entire site styling/design/layout is handled by a single .css file under 25kb.

There was also some feedback which was taken into account when getting the rest of the site up to where it is. To be honest, looking back over the site it's something I kind of feel a little proud about. The manga site was a lot of time and effort but with it all sort of seamlessly under the same banner, so to speak, it finally feels like a useful hub for learners as opposed to an assortment of linked documents.

Pages updated:

Everything. (#^.^#)

To do:

Still need to add the two extra anon guides requested in feedback, going to change the alternative guide link in the top bar so it opens a page with links outlining all three (or is four? I'll have to check) learner created guides.

Haven't really look at them yet to be honest so I don't know how involved adding them to the site will be but I can't imagine they are more than text and maybe images.

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A (kinda bigly-ishっぽい) progress update.

After far too much fidling around, I've managed to update all of the main three (four) manga catalogue pages into a single format/stylesheet/layout with the non-Javascript format filter functionality mentioned in the previous update. The changed designed may be a bit off putting to some but I'm quite pleased with the overall uniformity of the pages and ease of use even on narrow (486px) display widths.

The remaining pages on the manga section of the website will be unified under this approach. This will take it five different style sheets with slightly different approaches to a single master sheet and design approach for that entire element of the site.

Easier to manage. Depending on how it all works out, the rest of the site may follow suit.

There were a few suggestions posted to feedback.

~there was an issue with global < div > styling ruining some forked versions of the Rikai(TM) Japanese(C) pop-up dictionary. Changes made apparently corrected this, which is nice. Wonder which add-ons these were, I'm too damn lazy to use Rikaisama/Yomichan these days.

~in the Alternative Guide, a section had a table of contents that wasn't working. It was a redundancy I accidentally created when transcribing the original to the site. It should be all good now.

~someone provided specific styling rules for the Tae Kim grammar guide page. Probably the most constructive and easiest bit of feedback to implement, lol.

~there was a suggestion to add another two anon made grammar guides to the site, alongside the Alternative Guide. The manga pages update sort of derailed stuff but I haven't forgotten about this suggestion, will add these "soon."

Pages updated:

# alternativeguide.html [ ]

# taekim.html [ ]

# akari.html [ ]

# ana.html [ ]

# maturi.html [ ]

# yotuba.html [ ]

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A progress update.

Managed to replace the JQuery format sort filter on the three main manga pages with a purely CSS alternative. It doesn't perfectly mimic the behaviour but I'm rather content with how close it comes, at least at this stage of playing around with it. In making it work, the table layout of the content had to be changes to a more simple div layout. This is in a way a blessing in disguise because once the changes are made, the result is something much easier to work with for any other changes.

I honestly didn't think it would be even possible to emulate the behaviour provided with the previous javascript without some sort of scripting but CSS looks like an endless toolkit of hacked together shit.

While putting together the above test page, I replaced the mega and site link icons with stylised text. It doesn't look quite as nice but it's one less thing to have to load. Plus, I read somewhere that reducing server requests is a good idea, taking into account that each of those little icons represents an individual request (I think).

The mega will be updated after all of the manga pages have been changed over and maybe with some further tweaking.

Pages added:

# maturiCopy.html [ ]

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Not much of an update but can't hurt to have a record of minor alterations.

In continuing to attempt to replace script used on the site I was able to replace the toggle vocabulary function on the Visualizing Japanese Grammar page with a very short and sweet pure css checkbox something or other function. It should support all browsers aside from maybe old versions of Internet Explorer (don't use this, please). This approach was surprisingly succinct compared to the more commonly suggested methods floating around online which would have involved making in total 66 different sets of ids and bullshit, as well as having to compromise by having a "show" button/div and a "hide" button/div. Pretty awesome that it ended up with only a few lines more than the original javascript but in pure CSS. The best part is that from the user perspective, nothing has changed because it behaves in the same manner. Cool.

The magazine dropdown link menu on the three main manga pages was working with an onclick javascript function, that I had completely forgotten about. An alternative was found that does the same thing, in a nutshell. The styling looks a little different and I had some trouble getting it to play nice with widths and crap but as long as the viewport/device screen is at least 360px wide, it shouldn't require any annoying horizontal scrolling. Why anyone would view that page so narrow is beyond my ken but, you know.

After fucking around with the above for too long I noticed that the three different random pages (random.html/random2.html/random3.html) had the local JQuery file linked in the head part of the page that isn't seen. After testing it became evident that it didn't need to be linked in order for the inline random page redirect script to function, so they were removed. I don't really know if that file itself would have been fetched on page load before the script redirected the page but if it was being yanked into the browser before the cogs in the page could start turning, then it saves around 80kb of useless data per click as well as not involving any external files. The pages them self are around 130kb but it's just text and I don't really know if it can be made smaller. Well, it probably can but I don't really know anything about anything related to what I'm doing so for the time being I'll leave it alone. Maybe it could be made smaller with one of those minimiser tools but that might ruin the script. May as well try it out I guess. However when it's all said and done I have a pretty strong feeling that no one ever clicks those links.

Typing this I can see 博士 in the entry below. なの!なの!なの!はかせ!はかせ!はかせ!

The kana page was tweaked to change the "play audio" link with a link to a page on the NHK website with a hiragana and katakana audio chart, as well as replacing one of the pronunciation links with a wikimedia audio file link. The concluding paragraph on the page was slightly altered to be consistent with these changes. The free neocities account does not allow uploading audio files which the javascript on the page fetches. I had another play at trying to get it to fetch audio files from an external site but all my efforts did was break its functionality, so I gave up.

The javascript sorting for the manga sheet of the cornucopia was removed entirely, along with the corresponding html. I doubt anyone really used that feature, well at least not so much now that the manga part of the site has been referenced where said part of the cornucopia was. One less thing to forgot about.

On a whim I slightly changed the design of the index.html and main.html (manga) pages, so the images fit cleaner as the window is resized. Not really sure if it looks better but I kind of prefer it how it currently is but if someone expresses other preferences via feedback I'll probably end up changing it in accordance. May save a snapshot of the site as it is separately somewhere, just in case.

The mega backup link has been updated with the above changes.

Pages edited:

# index.html [ ]

# kana.html [ ]

# vjg.html [ ]

# cor.html [ ]

# random.html [ ]

# random2.html [ ]

# main.html [ ]

# ana.html [ ]

# maturi.html [ ]

# akari.html [ ]

# random3.html [ ]

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in response to a now repeated criticism I've come across posted on 4chan, the index.html page has been changed and javascript removed from the page altogether

as a means of continuity, the main manga page (main.html) has been changed to match the index page

not entirely sure that it is a good idea to appease what may in reality be just one persistent troll(?) but it isn't a major compromise and trying to make the entire site more, um, 'simple/minimalist(?)' could be a better base state to work from

in continuing with these changes I'm going to try and find a compromise I'm happy with to remove the remaining javascript dependencies from all of the non-manga pages on the site

not really even sure if it's possible to make a javascript free version of the format sort functions on the three manga pages which use them, but who knows

while the feedback posted to the site and the criticisms found by reading through the archive of /jp/ threads have been useful, the general arrogant, rude and entitled vibe of some of them have begun to grate a little

instead of being the immature prick I am and ignoring what is potentially useful advice, even if it is like extracting blood from a stone at times, there is a sister site to イタズラ(= ^ᆺ^)ノ that I'm mocking up: 真面目な猫

it's going to be a bit of a tongue in cheek thing

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replaced a couple of javascript functions shared across multiple site pages with something much more lightweight and not dependent upon Jquery

most people won't really notice any difference but, well, simpler the better and all that jazz

changed the page for Visualizing Japanese Grammar

wasn't really happy about how the iframes all wanted to load at once and since they are Youtube videos, they come with a bunch of baggage out of my control

instead of trying to mess around with a script solution so each individual video iframe only loads into the page when selected, they were instead moved to simple individual pages

layout is still more or less the same but now an image graphic is pressed, which opens the lesson/unit in a new tab

* Grammar → visualizing japanese grammar →

* Grammar → visualizing japanese grammar → → (an example lesson/unit)

made some minor changes to a couple of different style sheets, updated some of the other pages with a replacement non-JQuery popup scroll to top button as well as a much more simple non-JQuery version of a function on the vjg.html page

later on I'll look to see if other functions can be replaced with smaller scripts, hopefully without ruining the entire site in the process

either way, the above are things maybe 1% will even care about and maybe 1% of those people will even notice

might look towards adding more manga to the manga part of the site soon

it's kind of been ignored in favour of other things yet realistically it is the main thing I care about

the rest of the site is cool and all but consuming compelling content, to borrow the meme, is the most important part of Japanese

I wonder if the anon maintaining the light novel site will make an update at some point

that's a pretty awesome site for light novel and novel readers, a shame manga is so relatively bandwidth/data heavy compared to text because I'd love to have the manga page set up so people could have a choice to read directly from their browser if they didn't want to download volumes from mega


this reads more like a blog post

does that mean I have to post a photo of the last meal I ate?

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changed the test/test2.html pages to guide.html and guideabridged.html, replacing the former guide.html as the main guide

* Learn → guide →

* Learn → abridged guide →

former guide.html has been renamed to guideoriginal.html but not linked, so it can be easily swapped back in as the main guide if the previously suggested changes do not turn out to be generally appreciated

* Learn → former guide →

the reading list page has been unlinked from the main page but not removed from the site

similar to the former guide.html, it was "removed" based on suggestion but can be easily linked back on the main page if that suggestion turns out to be unpopular

* Library → reading list → list.html

Tae Kim grammar guide has had the remainder of the minor editing touches done

* Grammar → Tae Kim →

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more feedback!

in response to a request for feedback on 4chan,

two test pages have been put together in an attempt to apply the suggested changes in a live environment without replacing the original page/s -yet

test → (main guide+resource guide together in one, with minor suggested changes)

test2 → (main guide+resource guide together in one, with major changes)

on a whim, I decided to make some adjustments to the DoJG reference page

added a standout blue colour to the "open image in new window" notes links

tweaked the < a > links so that they now appear bold upon hover, as well as a fade in effect so the background colour doesn't instantly snap from dark to light

added a hover class to all of the Japanese example sentences so that now when you hover over one of them, the font size increases to make it easier to read

at some point I want to start adding additional grammar points to the above referenced grammar page, covering the online JLPT lists, etc. something to give it a more complete feel

depending on additional feedback those two test pages may become a proper replacement for both the guide and guide resource list, with "test.html" being the main version and "test2.html" being the internally linked "simplified" version

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a couple of smaller updates, in no particular order

- the Tae Kim grammar guide page has had the remainder of the guide filled out with any relevant DoJG links, a total of 177 links

* Grammar → Tae Kim grammar guide →

- another 21 images added to the index page and main manga page random image rotation, a total of 93 images at this point (getting a little out of control, maybe)

said images have all been renamed to a three digit number, starting with 001.png, with the related javascript files updated

* js → indexrandommanga.js →

* manga → js → rotate.js →

the original resolution for these images have been uploaded to a separate mega account folder for a Polish anon who was interested in these images in particular

* mascots → _original size →!LmQExYCS!msZhQo_9g0bfB-EDbIiXqA

- the backup link has been updated, thanks to an anon for pointing out using the feedback link, that it was out of date


- another anon used the feedback link to point out that the Yomichan link under dictionaries in the resources list page was empty

this was corrected but leads me to wonder which other links I've fucked up, will have to sit down and manually check the links on the main guide pages

* Learn → guide resource list →

to do list:

1. get the kana sounds working on the kana page

2. finish adding the various bold and underline markup on the Tae Kim grammar guide

3. check for broken links on various pages

4. ????

5. profit

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the tae kim grammar page is now no longer in working order and is up to date, though I'll be progressively filling it out with DoJG reference links where applicable, as well as minor illustrative textual tweaks here and there

* Grammar → Tae Kim grammar guide →

went through the DoJG reference page and managed to cut it down from some 5MB to 3MB, as well as giving the page navigation a bit of an improvement alongside adding back the element colours which were accidentally removed in the process of adding it to the site (my bad)

there was a lot of redundant markup, 2MB of it

* Grammar → DoJG reference →

added a < noscript > navigation menu to the main page, as per feedback request

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some helpful feedback was posted and the styling of the below pages was changed to match the rest of the site, thematically

* Learn → kana

* Library → manga → (all manga)

* Library → manga → (ongoing manga)

* Library → manga → (concluded manga)

* Library → manga → (concluded release order)

a couple of minor fixes were made in line with the feedback

need to host the kana page audio files somewhere and hotlink them to the site, somehow

still working on the Tae Kim page, might take another week or two but hopefully less

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fully integrated the former external manga part of the site library into the main site.



the home page on the main site now links to this internal manga library, as well as the random page

the random manga link on the main page for the manga library has been replaced with it's own dedicated page

it's functionally the same as the show random manga link on the main page

really not sure what to do about the same random page for the novel library link, since it isn't something I made and don't really understand why the redirect link works perfectly fine with Chrome but not Firefox

maybe I'll come back to thinking about it after the Tae Kim grammar page is finished

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working on integrating Tae Kim's well cited grammar guide into the main site, as a single page full reference.

didn't add the kana practice lessons because the kana page on the site already makes it redundant

also not adding the couple of practice lessons Kim added to the basic grammar part of his guide, since there are only a couple of them and most people ignore them anyway.

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index.html (updated)

vjg.html (new)

vjg.css (new)

vjg.js (new)

The show random novel link on the front page doesn't redirect properly with Firefox but works fine in Chrome. (-_-;)

Will have to fix this. Could be a problem because I don't know what I'm doing with any of this stuff. The manga version works fine. Why? What are birds? We just don't know.

Also corrected the titles for a bunch of pages. The words which show up in the tab and when you hover over the tab in your browser, mostly things no one cares about.

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