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㊦ やはり ←

→ ㊦ ようだ

㊦ 易い・やすい

Auxiliary Adjective (い)

Something or someone is easy to~. Easy to; ready to; be apt to; prone to; do something easily
【Antonym Expression: 難い

Key Sentences

(ks). この漢字は覚え易い・易いです。

This kanji is easy to memorise.


Vます 易い  
  話し易い Easy to speak
  食べ易い Easy to eat


(a). あの人のうちは見つけ易い

His house is easy to find.

(b). 佐藤先生は話し易いです。

Professor Sato is easy to talk to.

(c). このペンは書き易い

This pen is easy to write with.

(d). 上野さんは一緒に仕事がし易かった

Mr. Ueno was easy to work with.

(e). 豆腐は腐り易い

Tofu rots easily.


1. Verbます易い is an い type compound adjective and conjugates as an Adjective い, as seen in the following:

Informal Formal
Affirmative Nonpast 話しやすい 話しやすいです
Affirmative Past 話しやすかった 話しやすかったです
Negative Nonpast 話しやすくない 話しやすくないです
Negative Past 話しやすくなかった 話しやすくなかったです

2. The following sentences (1) - (4) are closely related to Examples (a) - (d).

The noun phrases in (1) through (4) above, such as the direct object を, the indirect object に, the instrumental phrase で, and the comitative phrase と are the sources for the topic (subject) of Examples (a), (b), (c) and (d), respectively. It is important to note that all these particles drop in the 易い construction, and that the topic is the new subject of the 易い construction.

3. If the subject of the 易い construction is under focus, it is marked by が, as in (5).

(⇨ が1)

The antonym of 易い is 難い 'hard to ~', and it is used in exactly the same way as 易い.

(⇨ 難い)

㊦ やはり ←

→ ㊦ ようだ